FLYSEC in IEEE Security and Privacy Journal
FLYSEC research results in the spotlight: featured in the newest issue of IEEE Security and Privacy peer-reviewed Journal March/April 2019 is the selected article entitled "Automated Decision Making in Airport Checkpoints: Bias Detection Toward Smarter Security and Fairness", which included work supported by FLYSEC project.
This constitutes a great success for FLYSEC and EU funded research as the publication kicks off a series of articles, while also inspiring the theme and cover for the issue of a most prestigious international scientific journal in security and privacy – along with (dedicating) the title of the issue to “Privacy and Automated Airport Screening! The honourable treatment of the article is indicative of the positioning of FLYSEC results and follow-up research in the centre of risk based security innovation.

Final Review Results
FLYSEC successfully passes its Final Review by achieving remarkable results in innovation!
The FLYSEC final review was held in September 2018 in Brussels, Belgium with published results available here. The overall assessment of the FLYSEC project is that it has fully achieved its objectives and milestones by delivering exceptional results with significant immediate or potential impact in the three areas of innovation, namely airport security continuum, risk based security and passenger experience. Project Officer, David RIOS MORENTIN, writes in his final review “A risk based approach to aviation security at airports has important societal benefits. FLYSEC can contribute to efficiencies at airports by identifying low risk passengers who can quickly proceed through security checkpoints, be directed to the shortest queue. This will enhance the passengers experience and allow the passenger time to enjoy the amenities at the airport including retail opportunities.”

FLYSEC Final Info Day & Risk Based Security Cluster Meeting
The FLYSEC Final Info Day and Cluster Meeting of Border Security Projects successfully took place on Thursday, June 28th 2018 at the Hotel Marivaux, Alfred Hitchcock Amphitheater, Boulevard Adolphe Maxlaan 98 B-1000 Brussels, Belgium.
The event provided insight on the FLYSEC project results and their alignment with the implementation of the joint IATA/ACI Smart Security programme, while contributing to the overall picture of the EU research portfolio and agenda by inviting key cluster projects in the relevant area of airport, border and risk based security paradigm shift.
Optimizing time-to-FLY and enhancing airport SECurity
FLYSEC is an ambitious 39 month Research and Innovation project, gathering excellence and expertise from Industry, SMEs, Research and Academia including stakeholders and end users such as major airport operator and international airports.